31 Aug 2014

Mascara Dye

Hi All, Long time no post ey?

Well a while ago I decided to try out a mascara dye, I made a tutorial on this, it was a rather cheap one for £1.99 from Boyes (cheap store in the UK)

So I tried it out twice, the first time I was so scared I'd go blind I didn't really do it well enough, but the second time it went great! It dyed my lashes, it lasted about 30 days, but my only problem with it was that it wasn't dark enough or strong enough to make my lases look longer and I did still need to wear mascara, it didn't have the same effect, but they were a lot darker!

I can see this being good for people who have really light eyelashes, like blonde or really light brown, my lashes are a darkish brown so I didn't see a dramatic difference, but for you lot with lighter lashes it would be fab for a base to your mascara! to give you that deeper black sexy eye, we all want!

I'm sure the more expensive ones work much much better, but you know me, I like to do my cosmetics on the cheap!